Payment System

How does our payment system work?

Once you place an order an invoice is created for the length you decided. We'll explain here as an example a product which is ordered in a Monthly basis.

Once your server is delivered the "duration" of your product starts. As it's a monthly server it means it will last for 30 days.

If you bought the server the 01 November  means your server will expire the 1 of December.


When to renew?

7 Days before the expiry date an invoice is created in order to renew your server for the length you choosed when you signed up for the product.


Can I choose to renew automatically?

Yes, If you want that your servers are renewed automatically please contact support and we'll inform you about how to do it. This feature allows you to renew automatically your products without having to remember the expiry date of each one.

More Questions?
Please contact us by opening a ticket in this area, we'll be more than happy to answer them!
Support Team

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